There are a variety of clubs and organizations available for midshipmen to participate in through host Universities and through the ROTC. Here are a few of the organizations available to HRNROTC midshipmen.
Semper Fidelis Society
The Semper Fidelis Society is dedicated to training and assisting all students actively pursuing a commission in the United States Marine Corps by providing professional development in the form of academic lessons, physical training, field exercises, community service, and other means in accordance with the standards of the HRNROTC Consortium.

The Special Warfare Club is a close-knit community comprised of both midshipmen and civilian members. We focus on preparing both mentally and physically for the rigors of a Navy or Marine Corps career in the United States Special Operations Community.

Monarch Wardroom
Monarch Wardroom is a voluntary student organization at Old Dominion University. We do fundraising and community service in order to organize, plan, and execute military events such as the Fall Picnic and the Spring Ball.
[At right: Students visit CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt.]

Joint ROTC Choir

Joint ROTC Choir gives students from both the Army and Navy ROTC a chance to explore their musical creativity. Joining the military does not mean that you have to give up singing! We are currently a choir of 18 individuals, composed of SATB: Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass parts. Choir leadership works to provide ANYONE who wishes to sing with the knowledge to do so, by offering voice lessons, piano lessons and individual practice times.
We sing several traditional military songs (The National Anthem, America the Beautiful, etc.), but are also learning contemporary arrangements for variety. The choir meets 2 times per week and usually performs thirteen to fifteen times throughout the year, including: winter and spring commissioning, military appreciation football and field hockey games, ODU basketball games, and many events outside of the Battalion (Norfolk Tides Games, Unit engagements, etc.).
Joint Service Society
The mission of the Joint Service Society is to unify the Army Monarch Battalion and the Hampton Roads NROTC Battalion in order to create a sense of unit cohesion and comaradery.